Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Space That Created Sanity

As promised, here is a short video walk through of the new playroom and loft bedroom that Cory built for the boys while we were gone over the 4th. (I apologize for the backround noise - that's the tower fan, so just mute your volume if it is bothersome)

I had to get the final painting done before they could take it over for their bedroom, but I managed to do that at night last week and now it is completely theirs. First night was Friday and all is going well, other than they are enjoying themselves a little too much based on the giggles and talking coming over the monitor after it's lights out. Kind of gives me the giggles - as long as they aren't getting out of bed, I'm fine with it.

Bonus - Jack now is asking to go to the potty after he's in bed which means a trip up the steps for me around 9pm each night and that has spurned Duke into new interest in doing the same - so maybe we'll get some potty training done while we are at it!

Cory and I have found new energy in reorganizing our house into an actual house instead of a storage solution for all things toy. Yet we are still sitting on the floor weekend nights cuddling with the latest Pixar movie they are hooked on. As you will see from the wall decals - that would be Toy Story - "To Infinity and BEYOND!"

I have to give Cory BIG KUDOS! The man worked like a horse to get it done while we were gone and I could not be happier with how it turned out. He really has a gift for design and building.


Natalie said...

LOVE IT! My brother is amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us.

~Mommy~ said...

WOW!! Im impressed!! What a great space!!! :)