Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Victoria - This One's For You!

We have many sweet neices...

Alyssa, our oldest and therefore the quiet, responsible one (much like her mother);

Haley, the only daughter of Cory's brother who is our fashion queen yet brainiac...what an awesome mix!;

Hannah, the child of animals, she has a gift with them - they speak to her and she speaks to them in a way no one else can match;

Caroline, the only niece on my side of the family, (can any more be said?), she is sweet and precocious and let's just say....she's Caroline;

and then there is Victoria...she's not the youngest (at least in the mix of grandkids), she's not the oldest, but boy does she have something! Victoria has the gift of living life to the fullest. We have become e-mail pals and she never ceases to amaze me with the wisdom she has beyond her years...(ok V, come down from the clouds for a minute... :) Honestly, I love to read other momblogs and one I love for her humor and insight is Mom-101 who I read about in Parents magazine about a year ago, and I was completely honored to have her post a comment to my blog one day and yet the idea for the post came from Victoria herself! (I secretly sometimes wish I was a NY brownstone living chick who worked in a high rise (or my NY apartment) and had the wit and humor to write my own weekly column!)

I like to think of Victoria was the 4th child in a family that was made to have 10 - always on the go and always crazy with this and that but with more than enough love to go around. She loves to laugh and tease and tell jokes (what's that one about the Mexican and the colors again?) and has a smile that will put you in a good mood no matter how your day went. And often, her e-mails do just that for me.

So, Victoria, you may have already seen this video from a few weeks ago on facebook (if your Mom let you have a peek) but if not...enjoy, this one is for you (because I think if you were here, you would have been on the slide right there with them!)

1 comment:

Clare Burgess-Mork said...

So fun to watch! Love hearing Duke laugh at Cory!