Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ending the guilt

Has it been a month? Really?

Yes I know fully well how long it's been since I've posted because every night as I laid my head down on my pillow I'd think of the post I meant to write and now I have something like 26 that I want to do. Such as the awesome time I had in Racine with old friends (ahem, as in from a long time ago, not aged!), the break I had from 24/7 Mommy in Orlando last week (even if it revolved around work), the amazing community service event I participated in with my church in downtown Birmingham and just the multitude of craziness that has overtaken our summer. Well they will get here somehow, but for now I'm just playing with my new iPhone and discovering I can now blog on the go.

This could get fun.

1 comment:

mallory said...

so, you broke down and got an i-phone! I am heading down that path soon. No more guilt though...right. I think motherhood= guilt